Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar quotes on Satsang

Give quality time to the divine, it will be rewarded. Give satsang and meditation your highest priority
One who does not do satsang is like a wild animal. Satsang alone makes you civilized.
Satsang is the shelter from changing time and its harsh influence on life.
Learn to make people your own. They already belong to you. They come from the same soil and breathe the same air which you expel. You are connected - so much connected.
The sky is the roof of my ashram and the earth is the floor. There is only one rule here. You can bring all your worries into the ashram, but you cannot take them back with you. You have to leave them all here.
Everything is temporary, only you are permanent. Accept this with a smile, meditate; strength from deep within you will arise. Celebrate that strength.
Women are the symbol of the heart. They can induce human values and spirituality into technology.
Feel grateful for your very existence, your very body, and all that you have, and all the love you have received. And this gratefulness will bring you a flood of prosperity, joy, and happiness.
In love, even objects are elevated to life. Stones and trees speak to you; the Sun, the Moon, the entire creation becomes alive. When there is no love, even people become objects.

More quotes of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar

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