Thursday, May 16, 2013

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar quotes on suicide

Well, it is because they are not exposed to the knowledge and they don’t know what it is to be alive, or what it is to die. They have no idea about their prana, or about their life. They are so obsessed with their comfort, so they commit suicide. People who want extreme comfort are those who commit suicide. They have no forbearance; they can’t bear a little discomfort. That is where you need more prana and more energy.
Deal with your things, that is your karma. This is what the ancient people used to say. They would never sit like counsellors and listen to all your stories. They’d say, ‘Come on, wake up, this moment; now', and that would bring a huge change in the mind, energy, and in the time.
The more you tell someone not to commit suicide, they’ll say, ‘No, I want to commit suicide.' Sometimes I tell them, ‘Okay, commit suicide, but climb Mt. Everest and from there you jump. Don’t hang yourself at home. Go for some adventure and if you die, you die. Good luck.’
It is stupid to commit suicide. They have not been exposed to this beautiful knowledge and they don’t know the value of life. That is why it is very important for us to teach everybody about their breath.
When prana level is really low, that is when thoughts of commiting suicide arise. When the prana is high, this thought will not come.
No crime will happen if prana is high. You will not be violent to yourself or others when your prana is high. That is why Sudarshan Kriya, pranayama, meditation, all these practices need to be taught to people. Also, such people who have such tendencies should engage themselves in serving others.
In ancient India, nobody would be given knowledge unless they break their bones to do some seva. 10 to 12 years, people would stay in a monastery and they would do so much service. Only then they would be given some knowledge.
When the body is fit from doing so much service, so much work, then the mind is fit and humble. It is like training in martial arts. Have you seen martial art training? Mind and body are coordinated. You are trained like that in the army as well, so that your emotions are not all over the place, and you are not thinking of 'me' all the the time.
Q: Can you please explain why we should avoid rebirth?
If you wake up and see, in life there is so much misery, and misery is what you don’t like. You don’t want misery. What we don’t want to have is called misery, and it is there in life.  Between husband and wife, father and mother, mother and daughter, daughter and son; with friends and with enemies, there is misery. Even your body brings you misery. Anything you do, there is some misery.
In life there is dependency. Where there is dependency there is misery. What is miserable is not pleasant, and you don’t want to have it. So people say, `I don’t want any more rebirth. Enough is enough.’
When you are born in this world, you are dependent. When you are a baby you can’t even get up on your own, somebody has to lift you and somebody has to wipe you. From the time you are born you are dependent, and even in old age you become dependent, but money gives you a false opinion that you are independent. That is why it is called Maya. Maya means it creates an impression.
If you give somebody a few dollar bills, they come and work for you, and that gives you the feeling that you are independent.
In life there is dependency. Where there is dependency there is misery. What is miserable is not pleasant, and you don’t want to have it. So people say, `I don’t want any more rebirth. Enough is enough.’
Just imagine, you have to go to school again, be whacked, and then go to college and go through all the teenage crises again. Look at all those teenage children, their faces swollen; so angry. The are angry at their parents and they don’t know what to do. See, it is not just your enemies who bother you, your friends also bother you. Everything is a botheration.

More quotes of Shri Shri Ravi Shankar

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